Zendesk - setup OAuth

  1. Login to Zendesk

  2. Navigate to API

3. Click OAuth tab

4. Click Add OAuth client

5. Fill in a client name and copy the Redirect URL from the iHub Credentials page, it is shown when a new OAuth credential is added. Should be https://{jira_base_url}/secure/RestfulClientAction.jspa

Adding Zendesk credentials in iHub

  1. Go to Credentials in Integration Hub for Jira

  2. Add a OAuth enter a name, we will call this Zendesk OAuth

  3. In the Authorize URL field add https://{your_instance}.zendesk.com/oauth/authorizations/new

  4. In the password field add https://{your_instance}.zendesk.com/oauth/tokens

  5. Client ID: the Unique identifier field in the Zendesk OAuth setup page

  6. Client Secret: Secret field in the Zendesk OAuth setup page

  7. Scope: tickets:write

  8. Include Scope: Check

  9. Click Save & Authorize


More reading about auth can be done here: Ticketing and here https://support.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/4408845965210