Add Comment to Zendesk ticket from Jira comment
Create ticket from issue
Goto Integrations
Click New
Enter a name, we will call it: Add Comment to Zendesk ticket from issue comment
Select Template application/json
Click Create
Edit the action details
Select method
Use the custom field id that you stored the Zendesk ticket id (from tutorial Create Zendesk ticket from Jira Issue )In the Authentication method select list select the credential created earlier (Token or OAuth)
In the Body section add
{ "ticket": { "comment": { "body": "{{comments.latest.body}}", "public": true } } }
Add Trigger
Click on the Triggers & Condition tab
We will use the Issue Commented as event to when to send the issue comment to zendesk ticket
Use the condition Run only on these project(s) and/or JQL and select the Jira project that will be the source for all Zendesk issues
Click Save
Goto the project that was selected in the Run only on these project(s) and/or JQL and comment an issue
Result should be a 200 OK