Slack how-to guides

Slack how-to guides

Notify slack when an issue is created / updated.

Include any issue data in the message.

Slack setup

  1. Create a new App: https://api.slack.com/apps?new_app=1
    1. Name: RINT
    2. Workspace: Your Workspace
  2. Select Incoming Webhook
  3. Click Enable
  4. Click Add new Webhook
    1. Select channel
    2. Copy the URL that was generated
  5. Repeat step 4. for each channel you want to set up

REST Integration and Automations for JIRA setup


  1. Create a new Action by clicking CREATE button
  2. Enter a name: Slack Channel 1 and click CREATE
  3. Select Method: POST and URL: paste the URL that Slack generated in the above step
  4. Add request headers, key: Content-Type with value application/json
  5. On the Body section add the following

    "text":"{{issue.summary}} has been created! *{{issue.key}}*\nhttps://localhost/projects/TESTB/issues/{{issue.key}}"

    Here we use the Mustache syntax to grab the issue details that we want to include.

  6. Click Triggers tab
  7. Select ISSUE CREATED ISSUE UPDATED events to trigger the notification on these events
  8. On JQL Condition. When to execute the event(s) write Project = TESTB and to limit the trigger to the TESTB project
  9. Click SAVE
  10. (Optional) Click Test button (no issue key is needed) to and click Send, Then go Log Tab.

The result would look something like this:

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