Cloud to Datacenter Migration

Cloud to Datacenter Migration

This article describes how you can migrate from Datacenter version of iHub to the cloud version.

 Core Concepts and Differences

Integration Flows:

  • iHub Cloud: Central structure containing a chain of actions and triggers.

  • iHub DC: Each integration is a standalone chain of actions, with triggers applied to top-level actions.


  • iHub Cloud: Groups are not used as integrations are packaged into flows.

  • iHub DC: Actions can be organized into groups for better structure.


  • Common: Events, schedule, post-function.

  • iHub DC: Post-function only.

  • iHub Cloud: Webhook triggers and JWT token authentication.


  • Common: JQL, HTTP, and data conditions.

Web Actions:

  • Common: Configuration for REST calls.

  • iHub DC: Iterators are a separate concept.

  • iHub Cloud: Iterators are integrated into web actions as behaviors.

Incoming Rules:

  • iHub DC: Define rules for triggering web actions based on conditions.

  • iHub Cloud: Replaced by webhook triggers or JWT token authentication.


  • iHub DC: Global variables.

  • iHub Cloud: Variables are defined within each web action.

  • iHub Cloud: JavaScript is used for scripting instead of Groovy.


  • Common: Centralized authentication.

  • iHub Cloud: Supports all iHub DC methods plus JWT token.


  • Common: Similar concept, but with different settings.

  • iHub Cloud: Requires JavaScript for custom pagination processing.

Key Takeaways

  • Integration Structure: iHub Cloud emphasizes a more structured approach with integration flows, while iHub DC offers flexibility with standalone actions.

  • Triggers: iHub Cloud introduces webhook triggers and JWT token authentication, while iHub DC relies on traditional incoming, event and post-function triggers.

  • Variables: iHub Cloud provides a more localized approach to variables within web actions, while iHub DC uses global variables.

  • Scripting: iHub Cloud uses JavaScript, while iHub DC uses Groovy.





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  1. Gather Credentials: Ensure you have the necessary credentials for your iHub Cloud environment.

  2. Understand Data Differences: Make a sample request to your iHub Cloud endpoint to familiarize yourself with the data structure and any required mappings.

Migration Process

  1. Configure Credentials:

    • In iHub DC, navigate to the credentials section and set up the credentials you have for your iHub Cloud environment.

  2. Create Integration Flows:

    • For each top-level action in your iHub DC application, create a corresponding integration flow in iHub Cloud.

  3. Replicate Triggers:

    • Set the same trigger in the iHub Cloud integration flow as the top-level action in your iHub DC application.

  4. Configure Web Actions:

    • For each web action in your iHub DC application:

      • Copy the URL, method, and selected credential to the corresponding web action in the iHub Cloud integration flow.

      • Add any necessary conditions, iterations, and pagination settings based on the remote API requirements.

  5. Verify Chain of Actions:

    • Ensure that the chain of web actions in your iHub Cloud integration flow matches the original order in your iHub DC application.

  6. Map Data:

    • Use the sample request you made earlier to understand how to map data from your iHub DC application to the iHub Cloud integration flow.

    • Make necessary adjustments to data mappings and transformations.


  1. Thorough Testing:

    • Test your migrated integration flows in iHub Cloud to ensure they function as expected.

    • Verify that data is processed correctly and that the integration flow achieves the desired outcomes.

Additional Tips

  • Leverage Documentation: iHub for Jira Cloud

  • Seek Assistance: If you encounter challenges during the migration process, don't hesitate to reach out to rixter support or consult with experienced users.

By following these steps and paying close attention to data mapping and testing, you can successfully migrate your iHub DC application to iHub Cloud.

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