Releases & Roadmap

Releases & Roadmap


  • Extended runtime on execution

  • Notifications on failing Flows

  • Audit log for changes

  • Baseline flows

  • API to Source Control in other tools such as git, exporting, importing.

  • Improved Search / Filter for flows, better table view

  • AI Integration flow creation

  • Statistics on runtime

  • Mustache testing tools

  • Internal storage for mapping tables, load data from external tools, extract and transform into data cubes that can be used to submit data to other APIs

  • Darkmode

  • Retry on failed actions

Release Date



Release Date




Created/Updated and CreatedBy / UpdatedBy added

On the Integration → Details tab the information about who and when the integration was updated is displayed.


New handlebar for ifEqual and bugfixes

New handlebar {{#ifEqual response.data.id "AS-1234"}}<p>The ID matches AS-1234!</p>{{else}}<p>The ID does not match.</p>{{/ifEqual}}
Bugfix for attachment


Static IP

iHub Cloud now uses a single static IP Use this in your FW to allow iHub cloud to connect to internal systems


Scripted Action as its own type

Click Add new action and select Script Action

Add a javascript which will take the scope from prev actions and process the data. The output will be added to the scope so that the next action can utilize it.

Test script by using the debug button



Ability to test script in the UI without running the action

Button to run script and put in test data. It will use the latest log as default. Click the bug icon on the script.


Bug fix and UI fixes

Data Field select list

Fixed bug on iteration for trigger payload.
Added new data field selector button This will show the syntax for getting hold of data in the context using mustache or json path.
Added validation on iterator, must start with $.
Minor UI font size updates.




New table for Integration list.

Bugfix Condition tab.

New table making it possible to filter on columns and being repsonsive.

Fixed issue where removing conditions could leave empty conditions behind.


UI changes and add Flow Variables

Changed name from Execution Log to Log

Added webUrl in _flow scope, direct link to an integration

Renamed variables to Pre and Post-request variables.

UI layout, moved created button for action.

Added Log tab on Actions


Sharable link

This is a shareable link. You can send it to your friends or colleagues so they can access the same content


Logging to external tools

Logging Streaming to other services like ELK, Logsumo or any other tool



Scheduler now runs every 60 minutes (instead of every 10)


Decreased log retention

Log retention decreased to 1,3,7 days. (3 days default)


Ability to send a single unsent file on an iteration

In some external systems you can only send one file at the time, to do this in iHub we have introduced {{attachments.unsentFile}} variable. See Jira Attachments for more usage.



Fix for OAuth secret containing + was threaded as space causing unauthorized calls.


JWT Auth for Webhook

Added support for using JWT flow to connect to iHub. See https://rixter.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/PD/pages/1637941289


General improvements

OAuth2 Support for sending as x-www-form-urlencoded

Keyshort cuts

  • ctr+s for save

  • escape for exit modals

Improved Logging


Support for files in Incoming Webhook

Added incoming files to webhooks which makes it possible to POST form-data files to iHub and relay that to any endpoint like, Jira issue attachments.

Posting files to iHub Cloud

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