Triggers in iHub Cloud
Json Web Token - JWT
To access a integration in iHub using a JWT the user must setup a JWT Trigger.
This is done by toggle the JWT option on under webhook triggers.
JSON Web Tokens consist of three parts separated by dots (.
), which are:
Therefore, a iHub JWT looks like the following.
The JWT token is then exchanged to a bearer which will be the short lived token that authenticate and triggers the integration flow.
RSA 256 Key Pair
First generate a RSA Key pair and download the the key, once downloaded the key can not be recovered if lost. Only option if the key is lost is to generate a new key.
The downloaded file will contain the information needed to exchange the JWT to a Bearer token.
Sign the JWT token
To sign the JWT token use the header and payload.
"alg": "RS256",
"typ": "JWT"
"iss": "client_id_from_atlassian",
"sub": "flow_id",
"aud": "",
"iat": "currentTimeSeconds",
"exp": "plus currentTimeSeconds 1200",
Output from the signed will be xxxxx.yyyyy.zzzzz
Exchange the JWT to Bearer
To exchange the JWT to a short lived bearer token,
Replace the {{JWT}} with the signed token from above step.
This URN structure indicates:
urn: Namespace denoting a Uniform Resource Name
ihub: Identifies the IHub system
jwt: Specifies a JSON Web Token (JWT)
bearer: Indicates the token type is bearer
If valid it will return a body like below
Use the Bearer token
To trigger the flow send the request to with the http header Authorization: Bearer {{access_token}}
In this call you will include any data that the integration will process.
Example code for trigging flow
The private key is stored in a file called privateKey.txt in this example
The private key is stored in a file called privateKey.txt in this example