Add each issue to Google sheet as row

Add each issue to Google sheet as row

  1. Create a new Action add a name to it and select application/json as template.

  2. Select POST as method

  3. Enter URL https://sheets.googleapis.com/v4/spreadsheets/<<YOUR_SPREADSHEET_ID>>/values/A1:append?valueInputOption=RAW

  4. Select the Google authentication created before in Google Authentication Setup use the https://www.googleapis.com/auth/spreadsheets scope

  5. In the body section add


{ "values": [ [ "{{#issue.dueDate}}{{#format}} yyyy-MM-dd {{/format}}{{/issue.dueDate}}", "{{issue.customfield_122658}}", "{{issue.customfield_124659}}", "{{issue.customfield_124660}}", "{{issue.customfield_123438}}", "{{issue.customfield_145731}}" ] ] }

Each element in the value array correspond to a column in the sheet.

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