Google Calander how-to

Google Calander how-to

This is a quick tutorial on how to add an event in Google from JIRA using iHUB.

For further details about the Calander API checkout the link https://developers.google.com/calendar/v3/reference/

Before this guid make sure you have setup the authentication: Google Authentication Setup


  1. Create a new Action
  2. Enter a name 
  3. Select POST as Method
  4. Enter URL to the calander that the events shall be published in.
  5. Select the OAUTH Goolge
  6. Enter a body see example below.

Body section

  "end": {
    "date": "{{issue.customfield_1234}}"
  "start": {
    "date": "{{issue.customfield_1235}}"
  "attendees": [
      "email": "{{issue.customfield_1236}}"

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