Issue Object Variables
Issue Object Variables
You may access the issue object by using the {{issue}}
variable notation followed by the getter that you would like to retrieve.
Variable | Description |
{{issue.summary }} | returns the issue summary |
{{issue .key}} | returns the issue key |
{{issue .type }} | returns issue type |
{{issue .assignee }} | returns the assignee. Chain the notation with {{issue.assignee.name}} for the assignee name. |
{{issue .reporter }} | returns the reporter |
{{issue .watchers }} | returns a list of watchers such as: ["user1","user2"] |
{{issue .affectsversion }} | returns the affects version |
{{issue .fixversion }} | returns the fix version |
{{issue .components }} | returns the components |
{{issue .labels }} | returns the labels |
{{issue .resolution }} | returns the resolution |
{{issue .attachments }} | returns the attachment |
{{issue .comments }} | returns the comments. See working with collections on how to iterate this |
{{issue .worklog }} | returns the worklog |
{{issue .votes }} | returns the issue votes |
{{issue .due }} | returns the issue due date |
{{issue .description }} | returns issue description |
{{issue .priority }} | returns the priority of the issue |
{{issue .created }} | returns the created date of the issue |
{{issue .updated }} | returns the updated date of the issue |
{{issue .status }} | returns the status of the issue |
{{issue. customfield_xxxxx }} | returns the value of the custom field. example {{issue. customfield_10100 }} |
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