Update Insight Object on Issue change

Update Insight Object on Issue change

This is a tutorial shows how to update an Insight Object with name "Hello RINT" as the Custom field ID 10001 is our Insight Custom field, holding the current object.

You can add more issue data by simply using the {{issue.xyz}} Mustache Variables a notation to access the issue data.

App: https://marketplace.atlassian.com/apps/1212137/insight-asset-management?hosting=cloud&tab=overview


  1. Create a new Action by clicking CREATE button
  2. Enter a name: Create Insight Object and click CREATE
  3. Select Method: PUT and URL: <your_base_url>/rest/insight/1.0/object/{{issue.customfield_10001.id}}
    From the Insight REST API we can read to create on an object we need to call PUT https://documentation.riada.io/display/INSSERV/Objects+-+REST
  4. Select Authentication method: Basic Auth, specify a user that has permission to manage insight schemas
  5. Add request headers, key: Content-Type with value application/json
  6. On the Body section add the following

        "attributes": [{
            "objectTypeAttributeId": 1,
            "objectAttributeValues": [{
                "value": "Hello RINT!"
  7. Click Triggers tab
  8. Select ISSUE CREATED event
  9. On JQL Condition. When to execute the event(s) write Project = TESTB and to limit the trigger to the TESTB project
  10. Click SAVE
  11. (Optional) Click Test button, Issue Key needs to be provided and click Send, Then go Log Tab.

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