Migrating existing fields into Protected Fields

Migrating existing fields into Protected Fields

You can migrate existing fields into Protected Fields by going to the Protected Fields admin page

Apps → Protected Fields

Click the “Migration” tab.

Choose the from-field and the to-field combined with a JQL that filters out the issues to migrate.

Make sure that your from-field and to-field are of the same type.

Supported types:

From standard custom fields and system fields (duedate, fixVersion, components,

Migrating data of fields that is not type compatible may result in unreadable protected fields values. If this happens, redo the migration process with the correct field type mappings.



  • Migrating data will override existing protected field values without prompting.

  • The migrator only migrates field that has values, null values will not be migrated. Hence; it might be recommended to bulk update the to-field with null values before starting migration if the field has been used prior to migration.

  • The migration process uses the Jira API in the background and may take time. If an error occurs try and limit the scope with the JQL filter that the migrator operates on. The process is not transactional. Hence; any migrated fields prior an error will stay migrated.

  • Due to limitations on Atlassian apps, the Protected Fields App is not allowed to execute operations longer than 25 seconds. Hence; the migrator will only migrate 20 issues at a time. You would need to click "submit" multiple times to traverse all issues in the JQL scope. Sorry for the inconvenience.


Migrate large set of values

Since the forge app have some limitations in execution time, there might be a good option to migrate the values using API instead. Check out our API page.