Step 1. Setup a connection
Navigate to the Apps menu from the Cog.
Click on Dashboard Gadget for Assets or on Macro for Assets
Enter a name of the connection, this will be displayed as a drop-down when selecting from where to load Assets data.
Enter the Jira site that has Assets installed, use the URL ending with
Enter the email of the user that will be used to access the Assets data
Enter the API token of the user that will be used to access the Assets data. For how to create an access token view
Optional specify the group that can use this connection. This is useful if you want to secure some data for a set of persons. In that case you can use multiple connections with different group setups.
Click Add
Step 2. Add a Dashboard Gadget or Confluence Macro
For Jira dashboard, click edit on the dashboard and search for Dashboard Gadget for Assets.
For Confluence, click add Macro and search for Macro for Assets
Step 3. Configure what to see
To configure the view;
Select the connection from the drop-down list
Enter the IQL to what objects to display
To configure the table click on the settings symbol and select what attributes to show.