Getting started

Getting started

Step 1. Installation


  1. Click on Find new apps

  2. Search for Macro for Assets

  3. Click Add



  1. Click on Explore more apps

  2. Search for Dashboard Gadget for Assets

  3. Click Add


Step 2. Authorize the app

Both Macro for Assets and Dashboard Gadget for Assets are build on Atlassian Forge. This means that they are running on Atlassians servers and we as the vendor has no access to the data. Backups are part of the Atlassians overall backup strategy

Authorization process allow the app to read / store data in your instance, this needs do be done in order to use the app.

This is done by simply pressing Allow access

Allow access screen
Confirm the data that the app has access to

Why does the app need to read data from the following domains?


For reading Jira asset data, the app needs access to subdomains of Atlassian.com and Altassian.net

  • *.atlassian.net

  • *.atlassian.com

Images / User avatars

To fetch and show the app icon the app needs access to Rixter AB, the app vendors, s3 bucket containing the icons:

  • https://rixter-forge-app-icons.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/

To show Atlassian user avatars the app needs access to Gravatar, which is part of WordPress.com network:

  • https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/*

  • *.wp.com

Step 3. Setup a connection

A Connection is the object determines how to connect to Assets instance and who can use it.

You can create several connection to the same site with different users to control permissions.

It describes;

  • what Jira site that has Assets installed to fetch data from into the Macro or Gadget

  • what user that will be used to connect to the site, only Schemas that the user has access to can be fetched.

  • what users can use the connection via groups and hence see the data loaded from the Assets site.

  1. Navigate to the Apps menu from the Cog.

  2. Click on Dashboard Gadget for Assets (Apps->Link on the right side) or on Macro for Assets (Manage Apps)

  3. Enter a name of the connection, this will be displayed as a drop-down when selecting from where to load Assets data.

  4. Enter the Jira site that has Assets installed, use the URL ending with atlassian.net

  5. Enter the email of the user that will be used to access the Assets data

  6. Enter the API token of the user that will be used to access the Assets data. For how to create an access token view https://support.atlassian.com/atlassian-account/docs/manage-api-tokens-for-your-atlassian-account/

  7. Optional specify the group that can use this connection.
    This is useful if you want to secure some data for a set of persons. In that case you can use multiple connections with different group setups.
    Empty field means all users can see the data in the Macro / Gadget

  8. Click Add
    You may need to refresh the page if the row does not appear directly after clicking add.

  9. Expected result a table with the connection in it


Step 4. Add a Dashboard Gadget or Confluence Macro



For Confluence, click add Macro and search for Macro for Assets



For Jira dashboard, click edit on the dashboard and search for Dashboard Gadget for Assets.



Step 4. Configure what to see

To configure the view;

  1. Select the connection from the drop-down list

  2. Enter the Asset Query Language (AQL) to what objects to display

  3. To configure the table click on the settings symbol and select what attributes to show.


Object Schema

Object schema is the schema from which the objects in Assets lives in.


Attributes is displayed when selecting an object schema, these are the attributes associated with the object that you want to show in the table.

Display as

This the render option of showing it as a Table or as a Card



How it looks when the app has rendered



Asset function fields

We support currentUser() function to filter on the logged in user.


objectType = Person and "Jira User" = currentUser()


Display related object attributes

Click on the Asset Icon to open a modal with the related attributes




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