Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.



See Manage Arrays for further info

Formatting dates


Default variables that are available for every iHub integration request are:




The issue that triggered the request. (or was in context of the scheduled job). Note: Scheduled iHub integrations will only have an issue if an issue context scope has been defined.


Current date/time 


The Jira instance base url (since v1.0.1) 


Upper case on "U" in baseUrl


Get all comments for the issue

Usage: {{#comments.all}} {{body}} {{/comments.all}} = Iterate all comments, print its body

Note: add more attributes or change {{ body }} to any other comment attribut, see Jira JavaDoc


Get the latest comment object for an issue. 

Usage: {{comments.latest.body}} = Latest comment body 

{{comments.latest.authorApplicationUser.displayName}} = Latest comment author name
See the Java impl of the Comment interface here each method is accessible using dot notation without the get. example getId() is accessible using {{}}

For JSM public comments see Send only public comments from Jira Service Management


Get custom field name.

example; {{customfield_10003}} is a field called "Multi User Picker"

When using  {{customfield_10003}} in the URL or Body it will resolve to Multi User Picker.

To get the value of the custom field use the {{issue.customfield_10003}}


Returns the current user as a ApplicationUser object


{{responseHeaders.myVariable}} gives the myVariable response header. Note only available on child actions, but seen on the parents execution log.


Get the issue attachment(s) as a list. Can be used to post the attachment to other systems see Attachments - Multipart data or Body and How to send an attachment for more info.
Get the latest or first use:

  • {{attachments.first}}

  • {{attachments.last}} same as latest

  • {{attachments.latest}}

Properties on a attachment:

  • content type String base64encoded, ex {{attachments.last.content}}

  • authorKey type String, ex {{attachments.last.authorKey}}

  • authorObject type ApplicationUser, ex {{attachments.last.authorObject.username}}

  • created type Timestamp, ex {{attachments.last.created}}

  • filename type String, ex {{attachments.last.filename}}

  • filesize type Long, ex {{attachments.last.filesize}}

  • id type Long, ex {{}}

  • mimetype type String, ex {{attachments.last.mimetype}}

  • zip type Boolean, ex {{}}


You can use the .asJson method on any variable to retrieve the complete JSON object that the variable represents.

For example, if you have a data object like this: { "key": "hej", "more": {"extra": "abc","ex":"efg"}}, then using {{more.asJson}} with mustache notation will result in a JSON format containing {"extra": "abc","ex":"efg"}}.

This feature is useful when you need to extract subsets or entire chains of JSON responses.

This can be extra useful when filter incoming responses. Incoming Webhooks

String manipulation

Make a variable lowercase or uppercase



Use the variable in an URL

Template URL:https://my_jira_instance_url/rest/api/2/issue/{{issue.key}}/comment

If operated on an issue with the key "QWERY-123" this will be evaluated as

