Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Request URL
  • Request headers
  • Request body
  • Request Authorization

General usage

Variables are accessed by using the curly braces notation of Mustache. 


Example: {{}} . For the value of the getName() of the my_object variable

Value variables (Primitives/Strings ie.)

{{variable}} - Substitutes the variable value


{{}} - Substitutes the object_name getUser().getName() value


Iterate through lists using the following Mustache pattern:


See Manage Arrays for further info

Formatting dates

Date objects can be formatted by using the following syntax. {{#date}}{{#format}}java_date_format_pattern{{/format}}{{/date}}


{{#issue.updated}} {{#format}} yyyy-MM-dd {{/format}} {{/issue.updated}} - Will format issue updated date. (since v.3.8.0)

Default variables

Default variables that are available for every RINT integration request are:

{{issue}}The issue that triggered the request. (or was in context of the scheduled job). Note: Scheduled RINT integrations will only have an issue if an issue context scope has been defined.

Current date/time 


The Jira instance base url (since v1.0.1) 


Upper case on "U" in baseUrl


Get all comments for the issue

Usage: {{#comments.all}} {{body}} {{/comments.all}} = Iterate all comments, print its body

Note: add more attributes or change {{ body }} to any other comment attribut, see Jira JavaDoc


Get the latest comment object for an issue. 

Usage: {{comments.latest.body}} = Latest comment body 

{{comments.latest.authorApplicationUser.displayName}} = Latest comment author name


Get custom field name.

example; {{customfield_10003}} is a field called "Multi User Picker"

When using  {{customfield_10003}} in the URL or Body it will resolve to Multi User Picker.

To get the value of the custom field use the {{issue.customfield_10003}}

Defining custom variables from a response

You may define any number of variables from the response of the parent RINT integration that will be available for usage within the child's variable scope. 


See JSONPath for tutorials examples on how to define your JSON path for your use case

Automatic response variables

Include Page
Automatic response variables
Automatic response variables

Issue object

Include Page
Issue Object Variables
Issue Object Variables

Using variables

Use the variable in an URL

Template URL: https://my_jira_instance_url/rest/api/2/issue/{{issue.key}}/comment
