

How to map a attribute to a Object Type in CSV import?

  • Enter the URL of the resource and click "Load." This will display the attributes and their corresponding types.

  • To map an attribute to an Object Type, select "Type" as "Reference Object" and fill in the two additional fields:

    • Ref. Obj. Type: Enter the name of the object type you want to reference. Ensure it is spelled correctly.

    • AQL Field: Provide the query for mapping the data. Use the format "Attribute Name" = ${Number} "Name" = ${6}, where "Name" is the attribute in the referenced type, and ${6} is the corresponding value. You can use more advanced queries as well if needed.


How to move an Object Type into a parent?

To create a parent-child relationship between Object Types, simply drag and drop one onto another. Note that asset importers always add new types to the root level. However, you can easily reorganize these types by moving them around within the tree.

Can I create the Object Type before the app creates it?

Yes, there is no problem that the Object type exists before the app modifies the type. However it needs to be empty so that the app can create the attributes.

Can the app remove assets that are no longer in the source data?

Yes, the app uses the default settings for Assets when it comes to retaining information. You can modify that by clicking the Edit mapping button and then the three dots and select the Edit object type mapping option.


Edit mapping

This will open the standard mapping dialog.

Under Missing Objects select what to do with the object if it is no longer present in the source data. For example Remove and a threshold how many import cycles it needs to be gone before removing the object.



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