- Create a group in JIRA or (fetch from LDAP; AD) named Accounting
- assign or load members into the group
- assign or load members into the group
- Create an Event under System → Events named Billing
- Create a custom field named Group of type Group Picker (Single)
- Add the group custom field to the screen of your project
- Edit the workflow of the project, in our example we will have a transition called Send to accounting
- Click Postfunctions for the Send to accounting transition
- Set Add a postfunction that sets the Group field to Accounting (if the group is set before this manually then this step is optional)
- Change the last Fire event to Billing
OK time to hook this into Inbox for JIRA! - Goto Inbox Global settings, Manage Apps → Inbox Settings
- Enable the custom field Group this will make the Group field show in the checkbox section
- Select the Billing event for the Group field in the checkbox section