

Inbox for JIRA supports:

  • custom renderer from JEditor
  • approvals from JIRA Service Desk.

Something missing? Please raise a request here Rixter Portal and will see to it being added to the product.

As of Inbox for Jira version 4.2 it's possible to interact with the Inbox using API. There are two ways; either via REST or via the exported service "NotificationService"

Use the API to notify users outside of the regular Jira event stream. Useful for scenarios such as when you programmatically change something and wish to notify a user of that change. 


Http Request

Request specifications for calling Inbox API






HTTP 200 OK if successful




Json body payload:

    "phrase" = Notification header phrase, can include HTML and keywords
    "text" = The notificartion text
    "issueKey" = The issue the noitification is about. Optional. Can be omitted if no issue is related the notificaiton


{actor} = prints the actor's name. The actor is the one that the notification is from. The actor is per default the logged-in user that requests this endpoint.  See the Authentication below. 

{target-user} = prints the target user name. The target user is the notification receiver 

{issue} = prints the issue with HTTP link to the issue


POST body example:

    "phrase" : "{actor} sent a <b>message</b> to {target-user} regarding {issue}",
    "text" : "You have been added to this issue",
    "issueKey" : "JIRAKEY-1"


The authentication is based on JIRA Basic auth authentications. The user credentials used for authentication will be the {actor} (notification sender) mentioned above. 


Use the java service "NotificationService" for scripted integration such as using Groovy. 


import com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor;
import com.atlassian.jira.event.type.EventType; 
//Get hold of NotificationService
Class notificationService = ComponentAccessor.getPluginAccessor().getClassLoader().findClass("com.inboxforjira.api.NotificationService"); 
def notificationServiceInstance = ComponentAccessor.getOSGiComponentInstanceOfType(notificationService);

//Get Application users
def fromUser = ComponentAccessor.getJiraAuthenticationContext().getLoggedInUser()
def toUser = ComponentAccessor.getUserManager().getUserByName("sven")

//Get comment last
def lastComment = ComponentAccessor.getCommentManager().getLastComment(issue)

String message = ""

//Example 1. Send message without an issue
message = "Hello without an issue!"
notificationServiceInstance.notifyInboxWithCustomMessage(fromUser.getId(),toUser.getId(),null,"{actor} sent {target-user} a message",message)

//Example 2. Send message without an issue
message = "Hello with an issue!"
notificationServiceInstance.notifyInboxWithCustomMessage(fromUser.getId(),toUser.getId(),issue.getKey(),"{actor} sent {target-user} a message on {issue}",message)

//Example 3. Notify as an event has been triggered
notificationServiceInstance.notifyInbox(fromUser.getId(),toUser.getId(),issue.getKey(),EventType.ISSUE_ASSIGNED_ID )

//Example 4. Notify as an event has been triggered
notificationServiceInstance.notifyInboxWithComment(fromUser.getId(),toUser.getId(),issue.getKey(),EventType.ISSUE_COMMENTED_ID,lastComment.getId() )

//Example 3. Notify as an event has been triggered
notificationServiceInstance.notifyInbox(fromUser.getId(),toUser.getId(),issue.getKey(),EventType.ISSUE_ASSIGNED_ID )

//Example 4. Notify as an event has been triggered
notificationServiceInstance.notifyInboxWithComment(fromUser.getId(),toUser.getId(),issue.getKey(),EventType.ISSUE_COMMENTED_ID,lastComment.getId() )

Javadoc specification

NotificationService notifyInboxWithCustomMessage

NotificationService: notifyInboxWithCustomMessage Java Doc
     * Notify a Inbox user programmatically using the API
     * @param fromUserId User Id of the user that notifies another this user, required
     * @param toUserId User Id of user to notify, required
     * @param issueKey Issue Key, optional. Null if not used.
     * @param phrase The notification header phrase. Use keywords and html in phrase.
     *               Null for default message.
     *               Keywords:
     *               {actor} = the one that sends the notification message
     *               {target-user} = the user that receives the notification
     *               {issue} = the issue
     *               Example: {actor} sent {target-user} a message regarding {issue}
     * @param message The notification message. Message text can contain html.
     * @throws NullPointerException if fromUser, toUser or message is null
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if users does not exist
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if issue key is provided but does not exist
    public void notifyInboxWithCustomMessage(Long fromUserId, Long toUserId, String issueKey, String phrase, String message);

NotificationService notifyInbox

NotificationService: notifyInbox
     * Notify a Inbox user programmatically using the API
     * @param fromUserId User Id of the user that notifies another this user, required
     * @param toUserId User Id of user to notify, required
     * @param issueKey Issue Key, required
     * @param eventTypeId Issue Event type id see @{@link com.atlassian.jira.event.type.EventType} , required
     * @throws NullPointerException if fromUser, toUser or message is null
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if users does not exist
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if issue does not exist
    public void notifyInbox(Long fromUserId, Long toUserId, String issueKey, long eventTypeId);

NotificationService notifyInbox

NotificationService: notifyInboxWithComment
     * Notify a Inbox user programmatically using the API
     * @param fromUserId User Id of the user that notifies another this user, required
     * @param toUserId User Id of user to notify, required
     * @param issueKey Issue Key, required
     * @param eventTypeId Issue Event type id see @{@link com.atlassian.jira.event.type.EventType, required
     * @param commentId Id of issue comment related to this notification. -1 if no comment related.
     * @throws NullPointerException if fromUser, toUser or message is null
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if users does not exist
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if issue does not exist
    public void notifyInboxWithComment(Long fromUserId, Long toUserId, String issueKey, long eventTypeId, long commentId);